National Dog Day with Lockjaw at the Marvel Inhumans event 8.26.17

Hope all my furry friends had an incredible National Dog Day. My day actually was really exciting, my mommy took me to the Irvine Sprectrum Center. I got to meet a 60 feet doggy, that wouldn’t play with me, named Lockjaw. It was packed with a bunch of my cousins, the bulldogs. IMAX and Marvel Inhumans partner with the Socal Bulldog Rescue and the Bulldog Club of America to bring us this awesome event.

It was so much fun, they had pools and treats and many many humans petting us, taking pictures and giving us a lot of love. Here you can find the pictures my momarazzi took of the event. Enjoy them and feel free to download and share the pictures of your doggy. We only ask for your support by following us here and please do not remove the watermark:

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